本週活動時段 Weekly Activity Schedule

UMSSC hours : UM Staff Members and Staff’s Family Members only.



只供澳大教職員體育會會員閱瀏, 請以員工帳號登入 For UMSSC Club Members Only! Login with your UMPASS account.

使用細則 / Terms of Use :

1. 健身室使用規則 / Rules for Gym. Room:

  • 使用時必需出示澳大職員證.
    UMID must be left with the Booking Attendant. Entry to Gym will be denied without UMID.
  • 必需登記進場及離場時間於登記簿上.
    Check In/Out log must be completed.
  • 穿著輕便服裝,建議運動服及運動鞋.
    Workout wear should be worn, no jeans, no sandals, no dress shoes.

2. 除游泳外,以上運動時間可供澳大教職員體育會會員、澳大教職員及其直系家屬參與,優先次序如下:
The above-mentioned sports schedule (Except swimming) is for UM Staff Sports Club members, UM Staff and their respective immediate family members, the usage priority is as follows:

1st priority:
UM Staff Sports Club Members
2nd Priority:
澳大教職員 及 教職員體育會會員直系家屬(須由教職員體育會會員陪同)
UM Staff and UM Staff Sports Club Members’ Immediate Family Members (accompanied by UM Staff Sports Club Member is required)
3rd Priority:
澳大教職員的直系家屬 (須由澳大教職員陪同)
UM Staff’s Immediate Family Members (accompanied by UM Staff is required)

